Somali Trust Foundation (STF) is a local non-governmental organization working with communities in Somalia. The organization was formed by young local professionals with a vast experience in humanitarian work. STF was registered in Somalia as a Community Based Organization (CBO) on 7th April 2013 and later with NGO Coordination Board as a fully-fledged NGO in 2016. The organization has offices in Mogadishu,Kismayu and Baidoa.
The mission of STF is to contribute to the education of young people, while holistically considering the general humanitarian and development needs and gaps of the Somali population including Women, Young Girls, Children, Persons with Disabilities and the Minority Clans.
Our Vision is a society enjoying and practising sustainable human rights, humanitarian law and development within a democratic and peaceful environment.
Over the years, STF has expanded its scope to Research and Development (R&D), Food Security and Livelihood (FSL), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Peacebuilding and Governance, Gender responsive protection and Humanitarian Assistance and Development.
STF works with all stakeholders to strengthen the disaster preparedness and response as well as support creation of contingency plans and strategies to improve disaster preparedness and humanitarian response capacity.
Conflict, natural disasters such as droughts and floods, insecurity, pervasive social norms and illiteracy are some of the issues that disproportionately affect women and girls especially in Somalia.
The prolonged conflict and the perennial droughts have disrupted the livelihoods, disenfranchised the people of Somalia and by extension the region, in particular the vulnerable populations of minority, and marginalized communities.
Large sections of the vulnerable population in Somalia do not have access to sustainable sources of water for both livestock and human consumption and others lack access to adequate sanitary facility.
STF empowers women and girls to use their voices to access services and information they need to live a safe and respectable lives. We also sensitize communities and community structures on GBV prevention.
STF supports people affected by violent conflicts to achieve lasting peace. Conflict dynamics in the region is both vertical and horizontal, including between clans and sub-clans, with a diversity of conflict drivers.
Horseed Area, Baidoa, Somalia